
Summer school on scientific writing, reviewing and publishing & Forest genetic monitoring knowledge transfer into practice

Summer school on scientific writing, reviewing and publishing & Forest genetic monitoring knowledge transfer into practice

This year Summer school on scientific writing, reviewing and publishing will take place from Monday 09 August 2021 to Saturday 14 August 2021 on Pokljuka, Slovenia.

About the School

The 8th summer school on ‘Scientific writing, reviewing and publishing and forest genetic monitoring knowledge transfer into practice’ provides Ph.D. students, junior and senior researchers training sessions on the production, the submission and the reviewing process of scientific publications. It focuses on scientific writing and scientific publishing in exact sciences, and in (applied) biological and forestry sciences in particular.

The school is co-organized by a LIFE project LIFESySTEMiC, EVOLTREE and COST Action(s), in collaboration with the Slovenian Forestry Institute. The first day is dedicated to the presentation of the LIFESySTEMiC project and an important output of the LIFEGENMON project, the Manual and Guidelines for forest genetic monitoring.

Participation at the training school is free of charge. Participants cover their travel and accommodation expenses. Grants are available from COST Actions and EVOLTREE.


About the teacher

prof.dr. Reinhart CEULEMANS, dr.hon.c.mult.

–  University of Antwerp, Belgium

Personal website:


Professor Reinhart Ceulemans is a full Professor of Ecology at the Department of Biology of the University of Antwerp and a visiting Professor of Plant Ecophysiology at the University of Ghent (Belgium). He is a corresponding member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. As a passionate teacher and (co-)author of 350 publications, he also has a rich experience in teaching scientific writing, reviewing and publishing.


Contact: Katja Kavcic Sonnenschein (